Actually a relatively easy way to attract visitors to our blog. is many-many are visiting other blogs, its content shoutbox and if necessary comment on, the more intimate the better. because that way we actually have to advertise the existence of our own blogs.
But if we want to attract visitors to your blog from search results - and want indexed into search engines (Search Engine) like google and yahoo. we have to do is register your blog into a search engine.
Url enter or Blog address to Google.
Register for our blog to google through the site here. Google add url.
Url: content with your blog address
Commnets: a description of your blog entries. >> Add url
Verify and Submit to the Webmaster Tools.
Memperifikasi next step and to submit your blog sitemap to webmaster tools.
1. go to google webmaster tools then use the list of gmail accounts that we have.
2. click the Add a Site
3. Enter the URL of a site you'd like to manage. input the address of your blog - without starting with http:// or www. eg>>
click Continue.
4. Then on page Verification status (for blogspot let the election on Meta Tags. Ed.) Copy / copy all text meta name="google-site-verification" etc. .. with how to select the right mouse click copy.
5. Login / enter at your blog (, then in the Template page, select>> Edit Html tab. input and store the meta name verification before we copy the tag:
Once done click the button>> Save Template / Save Changes.
6. Back to google webmaster tools page. then click the Verify button, to confirm registration.
7. If the verification was successful then you will go on Dasboard page.
Submit a Sitemap
Having verified our blog, the next step submits a sitemap / site map our blog. For the blogspot sitemapnya not as complicated as other blogs.
To submit a sitemap in text search sitemaps dashboard page and then click the link text Sumbit a Sitemap.
After that the sitemaps page click the Add a site, and input this code in the text box>> Submit Sitemap
atom.xml? redirect = false & start-index = 1 & max-results = 500
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