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Monday, July 25, 2011

Analyzing Images by Histogram in Photoshop

Results photographing portraits influenced by light. nah .. how to analyze the results of our photos, is classified as a good photo or baseball ..

Open Adobe Photoshop

her ...

Click Windows> Histogram

Continue to open the photo you want to analyze: i pake keyboard sample photos that I shoot digital camera pake SVP 7 MP:


It's quite good photos because histogram display, all parts of its occupied ....

second example:


I shoot with the same camera at close range pake Blitz:


This classified image is less good because it is too bright .. Histogram shows only part of the full right ..

third example:


my child again in TMII stage, he wore the same camera. I shoot at a distance of about 3 meters.


This is relatively less good picture because it was too dark .. The histogram shows only the left side of the full aja ..

Now you can own analysis of the picture of you make it good or pake HP Digital Camera, whether its a good picture what is not good ...

good luck .. hopefully useful.


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