Open the image file, image what aja deh .. kalo pake my wall like a picture below.
Click the Text tool in the toolbox
Write up the words you wrote. I wrote the word WALL.
Click the background layer continues to press ctrl + J. Then came a duplicate background.
After that click on an original background layer and press ctrl + backspace to counteract the image of a layer (in this case the background layer) into a background color. note: if to reset a layer to the foreground color press alt + backspace.
the results of the background to be white.
we continue ... Swap the position of background color copy to the top by dragging.
Continues .. activate copy the background layer, press Ctrl + Alt + G (for clipping mask). The result:
Activate layer "WALL" and click 2x to show the blending option.
Tick Drop shadow and bevel and embossed. It was to give a 3D effect.
You can try tweaking the brain in the blending option of this tool ..
Donedeh .. the result must be like this ya
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