The clothes worn by the sales promotion girl (SPG) in the annual online gaming exhibition in Shanghai, China, this year is more polite. Because the game development company that participates in the exhibition must follow government rules about vulgarity.
During this time, the ChinaJoy Expo, an annual exhibition was well known online gaming with the splendor of the 'spicy girls' who only wear very short shorts and topless dancing and posing in the booth exhibitors.
However, quoted by the Shanghai Daily, the government recently gave a stern warning on the online gaming industry and forced the vendors to cover his nakedness of the SPG. "Now my clothes size is longer than ever before," said Zhou, a model who had participated 2 times in ChinaJoy as a Showgirl.
The new policy prohibits the use of costumes that show more than two-thirds of the rear body of the girl and also forbid they put a company logo in sensitive positions, for example in their breasts.
Chinese government's decision was made several game companies worry that the show will lose kemenarikannya remember the girls drew the same amount of attention to the game on display.
"Honestly, I came to like this exhibition to see the girls," said Xaiver Du, a student who is also a big fan of online gaming, as quoted by News24, August 2, 2011. "But I'm quite satisfied with the appearance of the model in ChinaJoy this year," he said.
The Chinese government itself recently launched a campaign diligently to what is seen as obscene and inappropriate behavior, one of which is to prohibit "sexually provoking sounds" on television, although it seems the effect is less pronounced.
For information, scantily-clad women to promote a very common beverage is present in many bars in the area of cosmopolitan Shanghai and Beijing. Pornography is rampant also available online and via DVD media. (Eh)
Source: VIVAnews
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