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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Do not Save the Juice! Drink when still fresh

In case of fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables have the ability to store vitamins in the cell and the fruit flesh.

Once cut, the ability to store this vitamin is lost. The smaller the pieces, the more parts of the fruit or vegetable is exposed to air and light. As a result, there will be more damage, especially in vitamins B and C.

That's why the juice or juice should be consumed in fresh condition (just completed). If stored too long, the vitamin content will decrease drastically. Vitamins, eg vitamin C in foodstuffs declined drastically in the storage and processing.

This vitamin can be destroyed by reaction with O2 (air), metal ions, heating, and neutral or high pH. That's why a lot of vitamin C is lost in the cooking process, especially on food that is boiled because vitamin C is very unstable in water.



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