Do not underestimate the pain and stiffness in the muscles. Especially if the disruption had been prolonged. Because it can so you do have fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (Syndrome Pain Miofasial, Fibromiositis) is a set of disorders characterized by pain and stiffness in soft tissues, including muscles, tendons (which connect muscles to bones) and ligaments (which connect bones to other bones). Pain and stiffness can occur throughout the body or confined to specific areas.
According to experts, this penyakiti more often experienced by women than men. Emotional tension and stress factors in the suspect may increase the risk of this disease. Although not dangerous and not fatal, but persistent symptoms are very disturbing sufferer.
Generally the patient will experience pain and stiffness in the joints or muscles. Not infrequently did the pain of the tendons that attach muscles to bones.
Symptoms appear usually in the form:
* Feeling stiff in the morning attack
* The pain is widespread and lasted more than 3 months
* Often feel tired, restless and sleep is not restful
* Experiencing disorders such as headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and pelvic pain
The cause is unknown, but is usually triggered by:
* Physical or mental stress
* Lack of sleep
* Injury
* Presentation by humidity or cold
* Certain infections
* Rheumatoid arthritis
In addition to consume drugs, people with fibromyalgia can also perform self-care, such as:
* Set yourself as good as possible. Do not allow yourself to be dissolved under pressure and cause stress.
* We recommend that you avoid doing the activity repeatedly and for hours. When melakuakn event, selingilah with time to rest.
* Rutinlah berolaraga. Choose the type of low impat sports such as walking, cycling, swimming or just doing stretching exercises
* Improve posture by strengthening the muscles of the cantilever, especially the abdominal muscles.
* Improve your sleep patterns. It would be better if you do not use sleeping pills.
Actually, the best factor that can be done to avoid and reduce fibromyalgia is to maintain physical condition remains good, avoid stress and sleep well.
But there are also some supporting factors that you can apply are:
* Try not to leave your job. The impact of this disease will be worse in those who declared themselves unable to conduct any activity and then choose quit from all activities is
* Learn relaxation techniques, massage or bath with warm water.
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