Two out of five residents of Indonesia are at risk for osteoporosis. This is higher than the prevalence of the world, where 1 in 3 risk of osteoporosis. What can we do?
Although hard as stone, bone is actually alive, supple and growing. With enough activity in childhood, the bone will grow steadily and peaked in adulthood. Adolescence is the heyday of women in collecting bone mass because it is at the top of the body's metabolism, so that optimal bone formation.
Decreased bone density so that the bones become hollow called osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is usually only realized once the disease has reached advanced stage. That is why the disease is called the silent disease, quietly devastating.
According dr.Lutfi Gatham, Sp.OT (K), actually does not cause bone fractures of osteoporosis. But people who suffer from osteoporosis at high risk for fractures, particularly vertebral fractures, because so fragile bones. In fact, one can experience a fracture due to trivial causes.
"Slipping when going to the bathroom can cause pelvic bone fracture. A grandparent can also fracture because holding her granddaughter, especially if the weight of heavy grandson, "said dr.Luthfi in a seminar on osteoporosis, some time ago.
Data from the National Osteoporosis Foundation in 2000 mentions occur each year 1.5 million fractures in the United States and 700,000 of them are vertebral fractures and 300,000 hip fractures as a result.
Osteoporosis disease also causes one in four hip fracture patients treated in hospital for long period of time. One of five such patients can not walk without assistance and 24 percent are at risk of dying within one year.
Decreased bone density could also cause the body to shorten and gradually becomes stooped. If the bones are very weak, osteoporosis can lead to paralysis.
Entering the age of 30 years, bone mass will decrease naturally. However, bone density can be maintained, even higher. Bones like other organs in the body requires a balanced diet. By investing in a savings of bone through good nutrition and healthy lifestyles, the bones will become stronger and more resistant to the old days.
Saving the bone can actually be done as a baby in the womb. But never too late to invest in the bones. What we need is food that contains calcium because the mineral is needed to prepare the bone structure.
Adequate calcium intake can help reduce the risk of bone loss in later years. So starting from a young age a woman should eat high calcium foods such as dairy products, green vegetables, nuts, fish, and so on.
Calcium needs of adult women at least 1000 mg / day. While calcium is absorbed from food, only 30 percent-50 percent and this calcium absorption declines with age.
Although it has been "injected" enough calcium your body also needs the help of sunlight so that optimal absorption. "Most women fear the sun. And bask 15 minutes is enough, especially in the morning and evening, to change the pro-vitamin D into vitamin D, "explains dr.Luthfi.
Let's Move
Foods that are high in calcium alone was not enough to achieve peak bone mass. Scientists said the sport is as important as diet. Prof.Julius Wolf, in bone remodeling law says, the pressure or pull on the bones with strength training will activate osteoblasts through a muscle pump that plays a role in shaping the bone so the bone becomes solid.
'Contraction of muscles repeatedly, either shortened or elongated, which is done regularly is highly recommended in the prevention of osteoporosis, "said dr.Ade Tobing, Sp.OK, in a seminar. Nevertheless, exercise is very much at a young age can lead to reduced calcium absorption.
Physical exercise is done loading, especially in risk areas, such as hands, feet or spine. "The exercise of this power can be combined with exercises for muscle spasticity," advises dr.Ade.
Examples of aerobic endurance exercise recommended is walking, cycling, swimming, dance, or gymnastics and performed in accordance with the intensity of individual ability. The more frequently used bone, the stronger he is.
To maintain the health of the spine, dr.Ade suggested that we also perform a correction of the spine. For example, by sitting in an upright position, prop one foot with a small bench while brushing teeth or ironing, or prop your back with a thin pillow during sleep.
Precautions are also useful. Avoid smoking and limit caffeine intake of no more than 3 cups per day. Also avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
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